Censorship and Music Videos
What is censorship?
Censorship is the act of altering words, statements or visuals in order to conform with and abide by the rules and laws of society. The impact this has upon the audience is that artists who appeal to younger audiences and include obscene nature that shouldn't be viewed will now be protected. This will help to prevent younger audiences from mimicking the acts of their favourite artists as this known to be very common. Also, the use of censorship will help keep audiences safe as they will not be trying to imitate their artists, which if done could cause harm or damage to themselves or others.
Explicit Content vs. Explicit Lyrics
It is very easy to get the both of these mixed up or to think that they mean the same thing however what they actually represent are very different.
-Explicit Content: This is what the audience see, meaning if something harmful or derogatory is shown is it deemed as explicit content.

-Explicit Lyrics: This, however, is what the audience hear. This means that if the words/lyrics that the artist uses are offensive they are notified as explicit lyrics.
What things get censored?
-Sex and Nudity
This is from 'Maroon 5 - This Love'. Here we are shown the lead singer interacting with this female actress. This is deemed as Sex and Nudity within a music video and did cause the video some heat when it was first released. This was due to the vast audience the band had so including scenes such as this would be deemed as explicit content.
This is from 'Eminem - Stan ft. Dido. In this particular scene we hear Eminem speak on trapping his pregnant girlfriend in the back of his trunk and planning to inflict harm on himself as well as her as they speed down a wet road. Offensive language is used in this so it had to be 'blanked' out for audience safety. Eminem has many younger fans so hearing this type of language would be un-fit for this viewers.
This is from 'Kanye West - Diamonds From Sierra Leone'. In this music video the scandal within the blood diamonds story which is known worldwide is spoken upon by Kanye West. This music video involves the children that are slaved to find these diamonds in the mines and also the families that are killed because of the diamonds. Influential artists such as Kanye himself tend to speak a lot on their moral views of society and also politics. This is to help spread awareness of what is going on and due to his stardom within the music business he will be able to broadcast this further than most can through the use of synergy.
Lyrics and Radio Censorship
There are techniques that are used within radio editing which help to censor the offensiveness within music videos for example:
-Repeating: Having the last word said twice instead of the censored word
-Blanking: The entire word is not heard but music is still heard
-Disc Scratching: Using a scratched sound of a DJ to cover the word
-Bleeping: Putting a "bleep" sound over the word
Cut Or Banned?
I will explain the difference between when something is cut and when something is banned within a music video as this can sometimes be lost and misunderstood.
When a music video is edited or lyrics beeped out to make it appropriate for viewing and listening.
When a music video or lyrics is taken away from viewing "completely" due to indecent, harmful or offensive material.
Categorising Audiences
-It prevents the public display of disrespect to any particular individual or community
-It promotes political corrections
-Children are prevented from learning things that can harm them and others
-It shields the morals of society
-It restrains vulgarity and obscenity
-The abundance of violence in music videos is restricted by it
-Freedom of speech
-It prevents ideas from flowing freely
-Censorship in music videos may compromise their entertainment value
-Creativity is restricted
-It has no place in a democratic nation
-People have the right to hear
Personally in my own opinion i agree with the right to censor things that artists put out in their music videos which can be seen as harmful, offensive or vulgar. This is not to shut down artists creativity but to allow the audience to enjoy their favourite artists without any harm done towards them. This is because it is very easy to cause a ruckus over an an artist using the word 'faggot' or calling a female a 'bitch'. Audiences will react instantly and bring hate over what this artist has allowed to be shown . This is why censorship is to be supported.
In conclusion, it is necessary to consider the effects censorship has on audiences. This is due to the help and security if offers us which we are sometimes blind to see. I am planning to film a music video to ' PARTYNEXTDOOR - RECOGNIZE ft. Drake'. The way i will think about by audience's safety is that i have made sure the song will not have any explicit lyrics or content. It will be strictly fun and enjoyable to film and for the audiences viewing pleasure.
A good post here where you discuss the topic of censorship in music videos. You highlight well what ideas get censored and refer to some good existing examples. The difference between video and lyric censorship is also discussed, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of censorship in videos and your own personal opinion.
ReplyDelete-list all the different reasons as to why videos/lyrics get censored