Monday 8 December 2014

Planning: Copyright Letter

Copyright Letter
Oasis Academy Hadley

South Street, Enfield

En3 4PX

TEL: 0208 804 6946

7th November 7, 2014


Dear Tom,

We are Mos Wanted Productions, a company created by 3 A2 media students and we are writing to request your permission to be able to use your song to make our music video. Although it is a cover yourself that you song, we would like to use your version of the song as we are very inspired by it. The track that we wish to be able to use is Follow. 

With your permission of being able to use this track we would like to create a music video of our own, as we are a group of three in this production group from the Oasis Academy Hadley Sixth Form. And this project for you media course is worth 50% of our coursework grade.

This project involves creating a music video for a song of our choice, and targeting a selected audience for this type of song. Furthermore we are going to create & produce an album and magazine advert to accompany it. This track I have requested to use is only going be used for the educational purposes of our coursework and the OCR exam board moderator.

 If we can gain your permission to create the music video, we will only be promoting it in terms of gaining audience feedback for our course work on the social media sites such as; twitter, face book and YouTube.  It would not be used for any promotional purposes in gaining views.
A copyright notice with wording supplied by you can be included in the records of the project. If this is required, please send us the full details to include.

Thank you very much for your time. We look forward to hearing from you,

 Yours Sincerely,

Mos Wanted Productions:

Darhyl Matias

Sean Mutiso

Kloe Boylan 

Here is an official cover letter that I have sent to Tom Misch via his Facebook page asking for his support enabling us to use his version of the song ‘Follow’ to use for our production.  


Tom is an independent artist and therefore doesn’t have a record label for us to contact, so the easiest way to do this was through Facebook. 
We are still waiting for a reply. 



1 comment:

  1. A professional written letter to the production company which shows good organisation. It is important that you think about the legal rights to producing this music video and have looked to take the appropriate steps.
