Tuesday 16 December 2014

Planning: Group Roles

Group Roles


Production Roles:
Production roles are the roles that the people have during the production of the music video, there are 10 different roles within the production of this music video.

This is the person will over see the whole creation of the music video, he/she is in charge of everything that happens. Throughout this whole creation of the film the producers will give ideas of what they want for the film and if the director will like it he will use it but any choice that will be made will be by him as he is the person that has the ultimate say.

This is the person that will manage all of the budgets within the making of the music video. Also as the producer this is also the main person that works alongside with the director to gives ideas of what could happen but he only can give ideas towards the creation of the music video. Furthermore he works much closer with the cast and calls quite a lot of the shots, but the director calls the final shots within the production of the music video.

Camera Operator:
What the camera operator is the person that takes the footage of the music video, the camera operator works with the storyboard manager to get the correct camera shots, angles and movements in order to get the correct emotional feelings that the director wants from the audience when watching the music video. 

Editing Manager gets the footage of the music video, and edits the scene to create the effect upon the audience. The editor will work with the camera operator in order to create the scenes and shots director would want without making the audience confused at what they are watching.

Story boarder:
This is the person that will put the narrative into a graphic pictures, what the story boarder does is create the illustrating images that are in a order to tell the narrative. Also what this role does is the person has to think of the camera size, angles and movement as the camera man will work with the story boarder to get the idea of what to take when shooting the music video.

Hair, Make Up & Costume:
The person that does all the hair and make up for the character, will be important because they are in charge of what the actors will look like, also the costume for the film is decided as well because it will have to go with the stereotypes that the music video might use of the character or not. But the costume is important because this is what the actor will wear for the music video.
With being an actor, this is the person that will be acting a certain role within the film. This role is important because you will need a actor to act in the film, and there are different types of acting roles.
With having this role of a photographer, this person is the one who will be taken the pictures for the digipak and the advertisement of the music video.
Print designer:
This is the role where this person will be taking the images from the photographer and being able to edit the images to the outcomes that the director would want to help advertise this music video.

Personal Roles Within Our Group


I am the Director of the music video production, I am in charge of the whole development and creation of my music video. It is my name that is associated with this production so I give the last comments on how scenes should be shot, what characters should be doing and also what they should be feeling. I have taken the role of editor as well, due to me having this role last year and being the best at it. It will be best for me to edit the clips we record in our scenes as I have the most creative ideas and plans for the music videos' success.
Lastly, I will be the storyboard creator of the group. This means that I will draw and design the scenes we will film and this is because I have a better idea for the concept and I have good skills in Art so I will be able to help bring the scenes to life.


We have chosen Kloe as the producer due her knowing how to communicate with the other members in the cast, also knowing what is going on in the production of the music video, but doesn't call some shots as that is what the director is for.
Moreover we have given Kloe the role of being the costume, hair & make up due to her being the one with this role from our other production and with this she already has experience in this line of work. 

As the group has pick me to be the director due to the experience from before in other productions like this. I have been picked for this role because I have good leadership skills and is very organised in when doing something and getting the work done.
Furthermore I am taking the role of the camera man due the experience in being a cinematographer, as I have experience in this field of work.

Roles that have been split:
Also I am taking on another two roles partially as it going to be taken as a joint role of being a photographer and the print designer, with Kloe. This is due to me having knowledge in the use of Photoshop and a Photographer as I am a Photography student with me and Kloe taking this role joint, is due to our experience and also because it makes sense in them both being split as I have more knowledge in being a photographer than she does but yet also she has got more knowledge in Photoshop and with putting us both in this position allows for the work to be done faster yet also better as we can come up with better ideas for the outcome of the digipak.

1 comment:

  1. Some good evidence of planning here by assigning roles which will help the group whilst out filming and editing, well done. The roles are defined well and you justify your group choices well by relating to skills and attributes each member of the group has. Make sure as a group you all stick these roles as it will help you in all your production/post-production stages.
