Thursday 8 January 2015

Research and Planning - Analysing Advert

Advert Conventions


The main purpose of an advert is to inform people on a new product that is being introduced into the market. An advert attempts to persuade people to buy into these products.

Conventions of an Advert:

-Limited Use Of Words
-Colour Scheme
-Artist Name/Title
-Release/Tour Dates
-Album Release Date

Analysis Of Two Similar Adverts

'Drake - Club Paradise Tour Advert Cover'

In this advert cover we are shown an image of the artist sitting down on which looks like a rich fabricated sofa. This is used to show the graphics and image of the artist, this will help to attract Drake's audience as they will immediately be drawn to his specific facial features. The artist name and tour title are also located at the top in a larger font which will help attract eye attention for his fans to know that he is trying to advertise his 'Club Paradise Tour'. It is written a bold font which can connote the characteristics of Drake to be very confident and assertive to get himself popular. The colour schemes are colours such as gold, brown and black.
These colours connote a rich, lavish outlook on the advert which can also be used to represent the artists lifestyle and wealth. Additional artists are shown below the image of the artist to not draw the attention away from the main act which is himself and also key dates and information are placed at the bottom so that fans will know where to purchase their tour tickets.

What I will include:

-Album title
-Artist Name
-Conventional typography
-Use of dark and grey scale type colours to relate to similar artists
-Urban locations that connote jazz type outlooks i.e. graffiti walls, docks etc.
-Key singles on the album
-Tour dates
-Downloadable content links
-Official website


In conclusion, I will use the conventions when creating an advert for my artist as I now the powerful implications in can have on my artist such as: colour schemes, graphics, limited texts, release/tour dates etc. This will help to gain my artist the recognition from their fans as well as other future fans. My artist will be able to organise tour dates and also release their up and coming album 'Belong To The City'. I will use low key colours in my advert as I feel they help to describe and illustrate my artists' persona in an effective and cool way. I will make sure to include additional information so that location by fans will be easy.

1 comment:

  1. Some analysis here into the conventions of existing media products.

    To improve;
    -what other information is available on the advert?
    -more on purpose
    -state at the end how this research has provided you with ideas
