Friday 9 January 2015

Planning - Creative Brief For Digipak

Creative Brief For Digipak

Release Date: 17th January 2015    Album Title: Belong to the City. 

Project Managers: Darhyl Matias, Chloe Boylan, Sean Mutiso
Product Overview:

Who are they?

Sean De La Rose is originally from North London, and is releasing his debut album. The music video for ‘Follow’ will be released on the 17th January 2015 at the same time as his album will be released “Belong to the City”.

What is the concept?

We need to have the Digipak looking very simple, yet eye catching with a simple background but a title that stands out. This is so that the audience will remember the title easily because Sean De La Rose will need as many new fans as possible with it being a debut. He is a modern artist who plays tribute to old styles of music like Jazz and Swing, but is influenced by modern day artists like Justin Timberlake and Chris Brown.

Why are we doing it? 

This has to be a memorable cover simply because we want to get as many people to notice Sean De La Rose as possible in order to create a new and long lasting fan base. He will wear smart, but fashionable clothing in order to try and create a relationship with the audience before even actually listening to the music because the public tend to be quite looks orientated so his looks have to be relatable and identifiable. 
Comparable Products?
Artists such as Justin Timberlake, Chris Brown and Frank Sinatra are all artists that we would like to follow in the footsteps of. They attract all their fans by allowing the audience to have a strong relationship with them due to interests and hobbies, clothing and simple Digipak designs that people will remember.

The Digipak:

Male: 45% Aged 12 - 45
Female: 65% Aged 12 - 45

What is the reaction we want?

What we want is a positive reaction to the album due to our target audience mainly being teenagers and young adults as our consumer being able to related to our brand and artist. With this positive reaction from the mainstream and diverse audience, they will create a relationship between the artist and the consumer. AS for doing this it allows for the people to share similar view and beliefs with each others.

How Will We Know It Worked?

It would have worked by the product gaining a positive reaction from the consumers when released, this will be known by us breaking even on the sales target and definitely if we break the target. Furthermore with the first draft there will be a focus group being created so that we can gain some audience feedback from the fans he already has, with doing this it allows us to improve what we did wrong at first. 

Key launch Dates: 
Press Campaign:  11th December 2014
Album Release: 27th January 2015

Album Sleeve

Description: To produce a friendly, relating Digipak with the group showing their personality and characteristics to appeal to the target audience making them want to have a connection with the artist and feel what he feels.

Deadlines 27th January 2015

Objective: To present and produce an album that relates to our target audience with night life, emotional connection, fashion sense etc. Helping the audience be able to enjoy life more. 

Proposition: To appeal to a wider target audience that is still within the Jazz/Swing genre, as this will help build the Jazz artist who originates from a slightly niche genre, leading into more success.

Tone Of Voice/Brand Image/Positioning: To aim for our target audience and make them relate to the lyrics, genre and themes of the song. 

Restrictions/Limitations: The only restriction is to provide the album and artist name, album image, the release date, the album title, information about the album, where it is available to purchase and record label.

Production Specs: 1 CD with a plastic case. 
Creative Edge Spectrum: We want the Digipak to be similar to the advert in terms of consistency and style but be more creative with it, to show to the consumers what the artist is really about.
Budget: TBC

1 comment:

  1. Brief for your album cover/digipak is written well. You explain why you want to do created the product and what you hope to achieve by creating it. Audience for the product is well identified.

    To improve;
    -expand on who your artist is some more
    -more on tone of your album
